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2023 Impact Statistics
Every year Soft Power Health reaches over 55,000 people through our primary and preventative health care and health education.
In 2023 — 36,000 patients (averaging 120 patients a day) were seen and treated at the clinic. Patients pay $5.50 for consultation with a doctor, lab testing, and all medication they need. Over 20,000 people are reached with education, prevention, and treatment outreaches for malaria, family planning, malnutrition, domestic violence, organic gardening, and physiotherapy.
• Hypertension was the common disease with over 7,000 patients treated and 2,400 cases of malaria were treated. Schistosomiasis is on the rise with 51% of residents in Kyabirwa village infected.
• Dental: 300 dental patients were treated by Dr. Paul. Periodontal disease was the most common condition treated.
• Physical Therapy: Over 3,000 physiotherapy patients were treated, with lower back pain being the common condition treated at the clinic and cerebral palsy.
• Pediatric: 5,500 pediatric patients treated; 27% diagnosed with acute malnutrition; over 400 doses of prescriptive high energy milk given to treat malnutrition.
• Domestic violence: 800 people were counseled by the domestic violence team; 83% of the domestic violence victims are women with emotional violence being the most reported type of violence.
• Development in Gardening (DIG): home and outreach gardens – Home Demo Garden provides the lunchtime meal and 14 organic outreach gardens provide food, nutrition support, and income for community members most in need.
• Malaria: over 2,000 people attended malaria education and follow up sessions, in 80 villages in 3 districts with 1,800 nets sold.
• Family planning: Family planning outreach works in 39 villages quarterly delivering longterm family planning to over 4,000 women.
• Malnutrition: 1,800 families participated in malnutrition outreach and follow up programs where deworming with albendazole reached over 3,500 children. Prevention of blindness with Vitamin A supplementation was provided to 3,700 children, and over 20,000 pregnant or lactating mothers received maternal vitamins.